Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Let the Presses Roll

Let the Presses Roll
If excessive debt is the problem with the economy, inflation can be the cure. I don’t see how the government can avoid printing money with the huge bills they are incurring. The inflation we are (not) having now is very strange. The price of automobiles and refrigerators are not going up because no one is buying them. The cost of rent and real estate is actually going down. The price of milk is going up. The price of all the groceries and things of that nature seems to be increasing.
Interest rates are supposedly dropping; but if one cannot borrow it doesn’t matter. Credit card interest is not going down. Bank fees are not going down. I say, “Print that money, print lots of it and print it fast.” Maybe the mint can hire some extra employees. That will help the job market as well. There is of course, the question of what will happen to the people who have already taken a pay cut.
When people have had their hours cut and their pay cut. They will be able to spend even less, further slowing the economy. It just goes to show, there are no easy answers.
David Segrest is a REALTOR in Charlotte NC. His website is http://www.segrestrealty.com His email is david@segrestrealty.com

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