Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Adam Smith, Edward Teach, Barak Obama

Adam Smith, Edward Teach, Barak Obama

Last week on NPR there was talk about Adam Smith and “free market philosophy”. Adam Smith and Milton Friedman developed philosophies that are very popular in the western world today. They basically said that the market should be left alone to control itself because it would always reach the perfect level if left alone. The broadcast went on to talk about the current interventions in the economy and the takeover and bail out of large firms.

Even in the days of Adam Smith there were characters like Edward Teach, otherwise known as “Blackbeard”. The governments of the world tried to hunt him down. He was pardoned; but continued his activities and was eventually caught and killed. This was government intervention in the market. No one lamented that. Today’s problems are largely caused by pirates as well. They wear blue suits instead of feathered tricorns; and they wield computers instead of swords. They are still pirates. The government hunted them down and bailed them out. Perhaps they should still be executed.

The point being attempted is that a government’s protection of its trade from pirates is still an important obligation. Taking over companies that have been looted and preventing the financial fallout that would result from their failure is a necessary interference in the economy.

David Segrest is a REALTOR® in Charlotte NC. His website is http://www.segrestrealty.com His email is david@segrestrealty.com He is also a contributor on Argentina to: http://realestatebloginternational.com/

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Finding Brokers and Properties

Finding Brokers and Properties

The real problem is not finding brokers or properties. The real challenge is sorting through the offerings. There are a lot of good ways to “check out” a broker. There are so many brokers that it may be hard to select which one(s) to check out. Folks who like to play on the internet can search an area and choose whoever comes up 1st in Google. Is this really the best approach.

Brokers on the internet may be like golfers. An old acquaintance told me one time. “ If you shoot more than 100, you have no business on the golf course. “If you shoot less than 70, you have no business.” The REALTOR®, and if you are in a country where there are REALTORS® you should always use one, who hits the top of google probably spends too much time on the computer and not enough in the real estate business.

The best way to choose a broker is to ask a broker that you trust for a recommendation. Ask the recommended broker to provide a list of properties in their market. If you have done an internet search and found a property that looks attractive. Let the broker earn their bread by researching the property and giving you more information. Of course you could always ask me.

David Segrest is a REALTOR® in Charlotte NC. His website is http://www.segrestrealty.com His email is david@segrestrealty.com He is also a contributor on Argentina to: http://realestatebloginternational.com/

Monday, June 22, 2009

The Carter Center and International Real Estate

Carter Center and International Real Estate

Maybe that combination sounds like a stretch; but I see a very strong connection. Most of the places where the Carter Center http://www.cartercenter.org works are places that should be paradise; but instead are more like little hells. The potential for tourism and retirement and 2nd homes would be enormous in places like sub-Saharan Africa if it were not for the disease, violence and lack of infrastructure and education.

The Carter center works to combat Guinea Worm in Africa and River blindness in Central America. They fight Malaria wherever it exists. They train police in human rights. They monitor elections around the world. Their work has to be many years ahead of developers and vacationers. Before a locale becomes a great place to visit, it should become a decent place to live.

Think about the climate and natural beauty that exist in so many undeveloped countries around the world. There is tourism and people do have 2nd homes in these places. How much greater would the potential be without the fear of crime and disease? How many more people would go if they could be assured of good utilities, transportation and health care facilities?

David Segrest is a REALTOR® in Charlotte NC. His website is http://www.segrestrealty.com His email is david@segrestrealty.com He is also a contributor on Argentina to: http://realestatebloginternational.com/

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Environment, Economy, Employment

Environment, Economy, Employment

President Obama has been tying these three things together. How will this tie affect International Real Estate? Looking at employment 1st , the creation of new, cleaner energy sources would create jobs by itself. These people will mostly be working in construction and manufacturing and driving to work every day making more pollution. Lets face it, this is part of the old model. Work more to consume more; so other people can work more to produce the things we consume and use more energy and more raw materials and other resources. Is this model sustainable?

What if we consumed less of the things that use up our resources and clutter up our space. Economy of scale might be lost in some industries. Maybe we could manufacture and farm closer to the final user and save some energy and pollution. Every job that could be done remotely could be done from home. Leaving the net to the employee and the employer higher. People could live in exotic locations and still have their regular job. If people didn’t have to consume so much they could work less. Maybe 3 people could hold 2 positions. One of them could take off 4 months each year and enjoy a vacation home. Long vacations would save on travel over multiple small vacations.

People would have more time to enjoy recreation and creative pursuits. More people could be employed in the arts, scientific research and entertainment.

David Segrest is a REALTOR® in Charlotte NC. His website is http://www.segrestrealty.com His email is david@segrestrealty.com He is also a contributor on Argentina to: http://realestatebloginternational.com/

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Possible New Model

Possible New Model

What are we selling anyway? I sold one house when I first got into the business. I vowed to never do it again. The furnace gave problems, the plumbing leaked, everything went wrong. I had to fight like crazy to hold the deal together. No more selling houses. After that I helped people buy and sell homes. Gradually that expanded to commercial properties, management and international. Those markets are still there; but they have slowed down.

Some international brokers are selling fractionals and off plan properties. Some are working on foreclosures and short sales. These markets don’t appeal to me. Helping people is better than taking advantage of them. 23 years in this business and a lot of really great classes and experiences have packed my head with all kinds of useful stuff. So have my life experiences. What can I do with this to help people and make a living? This has been my dominating question for months now. Maybe the answer is close.

Is there hope for the people who find themselves owning off-plan contracts and fractionals? It is doubtful that there will be a large enough profit to make a commission very attractive to the sellers. How long will it be before an after-market develops in fractionals? What kind of license will be required to deal with this market? Perhaps a brain storm service to help people unload white elephants would work. It could be done on a fee basis instead of commission. That way the broker can help make the deal instead of prevent it.

David Segrest is a REALTOR® in Charlotte NC. His website is http://www.segrestrealty.com His email is david@segrestrealty.com He is also a contributor on Argentina to: http://realestatebloginternational.com/

Wednesday, June 17, 2009



Are they really something new or just time shares on steroids? Can we learn from old mistakes even when they are renamed. On he welcome page of OPP magazine, one of my favorite publications, the editor suggest that after the recession, “Off plan” purchases will come back. That would be like a toast to celebrate sobriety. The speculation in “Off plan” purchases are as much a part of the current economic situation as the sub-prime mortgages. Off Plan is the word used in international markets for pre-construction.

Fractional ownership is really great for developers. They sell anywhere from 1/15 to ½ of a unit and still retain control of the property. There are many versions of the fractional ownership plan. Most jurisdictions regulate them the same as time-shares. I guess they think, “if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, etc.” Many of the projects have marinas (boat slips) and other facilities that can also be purchased on a fractional basis. OPP magazine has a big article on fractionals that describes the different types of fractionals and examines the pros and cons. http://www.opp.org.uk/index.asp You must register to read articles; but registration is free.

Whatever the future holds if it is just more of the past, the present will be our new future. Is that what we really want? Any success gained from renaming old mistakes will be short lived. New business models are needed. We are technologically very creative. Can we also be creative in business models rather than just in semantics?

David Segrest is a REALTOR® in Charlotte NC. His website is http://www.segrestrealty.com His email is david@segrestrealty.com He is also a contributor on Argentina to: http://realestatebloginternational.com/

Tuesday, June 16, 2009



In an attempt to join the 21st century with a minimum of kicking and screaming and obsolescence, I have finally gotten onto Facebook, Linkedin and Plaxo. I still don’t know what I am doing; but I am realizing how many friends I have. It seemed that nothing would change the life of a real estate agent like the cell phone and the fax machine. Then came computerized MLS and email. Wow. Web pages replaced newspapers and now we have “social networking” to replace parties and conventions. I don’t think so.

Somehow a toast over the computer is just kind of dry. One cannot dance with a computer, at least not very satisfactorily. Walking the streets of a foreign city with a computer will never be the same as walking with Maire Rosol and Ed Wolfe. Struggling to communicate in a foreign language is no fun with “translate this page”. Perhaps these “social networking” facilities will let us stay closer to our friends; but I really hope they will not replace the face to face touching contact.

One big advantage of the “social networking” is that we can meet a lot of people quickly and get to know about them. I am already learning a lot about my friends and this opens a lot of new dimensions. For any REALTORS® in Charlotte, Friday June 19th there is a Tech day at the board. There will be sessions on “social networking” among other things all day long. A great opportunity for old dogs who are not too old to learn new tricks and young pups who want to keep up with the old dogs.

David Segrest is a REALTOR® in Charlotte NC. His website is http://www.segrestrealty.com His email is david@segrestrealty.com He is also a contributor on Argentina to: http://realestatebloginternational.com/

Friday, June 12, 2009

Political Action Committees

Political Action Committees
REALTORS® believe in political action. Our 1.3 million member organization has a strong legislative agenda. We lobby to prevent transfer tax and promote home ownership and protect our industry through RPAC (REALTORS Political Action Committee). We have a legislative meeting in Washington every year and visit our congressmen. Is this bad? Do we wield unfair influence over the government? Is this an example of corruption?
As a REALTOR, I benefit from these activities. Homeowners definitely benefit from these activities. So this isn’t bad… What about the tobacco lobby, trying to protect a killing industry? What about the pharmaceutical lobby, keeping drug prices high and protecting their ability to market dangerous drugs? Does the gun lobby, protect citizens rights or cause a proliferation of materials to be used in violence and crime? Maybe our political action committee is good and some of the others are bad. Who would make that decision.
Where do we draw the line between exercising free speech and buying legislative votes? What is democracy anyway? Majority rules; but minority has rights as well. These are probably issues and questions that will never be answered to everyone’s (or anyone’s) satisfaction. They are issues and questions that are really critical as we enter a new political era. If the Democrats simply replace the Republicans as the power brokers, they might as well have lost the election.
David Segrest is a REALTOR in Charlotte NC. His website is http://www.segrestrealty.com His email is david@segrestrealty.com He is also a contributor on Argentina to: http://realestatebloginternational.com/

Wednesday, June 10, 2009



In an earlier article about the 1st time home buyers tax credit, one important provision of this plan was omitted. This is what is called a “refundable tax credit”. If the tax liability of the 1st time home buyer is less that the amount of the credit, the tax payer will receive a check for the amount of the difference. For example, if a qualified person buys a house costing $80,000 or more and only has a $6000 tax liability, that person will receive a $2000 tax rebate check.

The city of Buenos Aires is featured in the June issue of Smithsonian Magazine. http://www.smithsonianmag.com/travel/Hola-Buenos-Aires.html This is an absolutely excellent article about the new immigrants who are making Buenos Aires home because of the excellent standard of living and because of the great exchange rate between the dollar/euro and the peso. Buenos Aires has always been a European City plunked down in the heart of South America. Now, it is becoming even more international.

This is one of the best times ever to take a CIPS class. http://www.realtor.org/cipshome.nsf/pages/education Not only have the prices of the classes been reduced by most of the providers, under the “Right tools, right now program http://feeds2.feedburner.com/RightToolsRightNowHeadlinesFromRealtororg , the network dues will only be half of the regular price for next year. Also the airlines are offering a lot of special deals on airfare. Take the classes as far away from home as you can manage. You will build a network this way.

David Segrest is a REALTOR in Charlotte NC. His website is http://www.segrestrealty.com His email is david@segrestrealty.com He is also a contributor on Argentina to: http://realestatebloginternational.com/

Obama Reaches out to Muslims

Obama Reaches Out to Muslims

Today in Cairo, President Obama is speaking to the Muslim world. He is trying to make up for the horrible things that have happened between Islam and the west for hundreds of years. Everything he says will be for naught if the attitude of the American people does not change. Most of the bad attitude here stems from ignorance.

The fundamentalist version of Islam that is practiced mostly in the Arab lands is not true Islam any more than the fundamentalist Christians represent the Christian faith or the Hasidic Jews represent Judaism. All faiths have the same principles at their center. Unscrupulous individuals exploit ignorance to fan fanaticism and gain power. When we allow our own ignorance to generalize and attribute the errors of a few to an entire group we cooperate with these unscrupulous individuals.

Most of the worlds Muslims are Sufis. This is a spiritual branch of Islam that believes in a joyful loving communion with God. Try reading Rumi and Kahlil Gibran. These people were not inciting terrorism and hate.
David Segrest is a REALTOR in Charlotte NC. His website is http://www.segrestrealty.com His email is david@segrestrealty.com