Monday, March 31, 2008

It's the Economy Stupid

It’s The Economy, Stupid
Or is that the stupid economy? The real downturn in our economy began with the anticipation of the George Bush presidency. His crazy ideas got everyone scared. As bad as his economic policies are, they are not the problem. The problem is fear. The fear started with the anticipation of his presidency. It was exacerbated by the cynicism that had been engendered by the super partisan spirit during the Clinton administration.
Enron, 911, the political scandals and the pointless war in Iraq, created a negative atmosphere that even the most effervescent optimist could not overcome. This has snowballed until no-one trusts government or business or the news media. Mass fear became mass cynicism. It morphed into a collective pessimism and depression. It has now blossomed into full fledged mass hysteria.
The only cure for this will be a charismatic leader. Bill Clinton could do it. I don’t know about Hilary. I know John McCain can’t do it. Maybe Barack Obama? We really need a John F. Kennedy.
David Segrest is a REALTOR in Charlotte NC. His website is His email is

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