Sunday, August 3, 2008

How They Survived Hard Times in Brazil

How They Survived Hard Times in Brazil
My first trip to Sao Paulo was right after the devaluation of the Real. Everything I had read in the economist and elsewhere had prepared me to see and economic wasteland. Instead I saw building cranes everywhere. The demand was there the creative brokers and developers adapted to meet the demand.
What they did was this. As soon as the project was conceived a billboard and a trailer were erected on the site with pictures, models, sales agents and brochures. Every street corner for miles around was adorned with a beautiful Brazilian lady passing out brochures. The Brazilian ladies are all gorgeous. The Brazilian men are all macho. This is a perfect combination. The financing is what is really creative though.
The buyer picks out their unit and puts a sizeable deposit. They begin making monthly payments. Interest rates are high in Brazil; so the money accrues quickly. By the time the project is finished in about 3 years, the unit is paid for. The people move into a paid for home. The money deposit is guaranteed by a builder’s association. This solves another problem too. Many people were building without permits. The deposits are only insured for permitted projects.
David Segrest is a REALTOR in Charlotte NC. His website is His email is

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