Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Wishes for Good Health to the Dalai Lama

Wishes for Good Health to the Dalai Lama
The Dalai Lama is leaving the hospital on Labor Day.
I wish him good health and more. I must confess to mixed feelings about Tibet and Taiwan and some of the other situations in China. As a student of Buddhism, I resent the affronts to the truest seat of that religion. I support the Tibetan’s right to self determination. I hate to see the ancient culture destroyed and the damages to the environment the progress brings. There is of course another side to the story.
An event similar to this happened when the Romans invaded Britain and brought their Catholic priests. An ancient way of life was destroyed. The world lost a really great religion and a lot of wisdom. When progress comes there are winners and losers. Progress should learn to be more gentle. Is it right to deprive the various indiginous people around the world of the rights to the internet, good health care and telephones? How can we divide the situation?

David Segrest is a REALTOR in Charlotte NC. His website is His email is

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