Friday, November 21, 2008

Lest We Forget

Lest We Forget
The news this morning (11/20/08) on NPR was the gloomiest I have heard in a while. I am glad it is almost Thanksgiving; because that time forces thoughts of blessings. I am afraid to look at my stock portfolio; but I am still in business today. I don’t know about tomorrow. We do have a closing scheduled for this morning.
My wife and I and our extended family are in good health. We have a little garden and we don’t have expensive vices (except for real estate). There are so many people who have nothing. In so many countries the poor have no hope and no opportunity. One has to think of the people who would be so happy just to have breakfast. Our country has survived 8 years of the darkest administration ever. It is a tribute to the system and to the founding fathers that we had the ability to bring this chapter to a close without bloodshed.
In Zimbabwe change of administration doesn’t come even after an election. What if we could not remove George Bush after these years of misrule? The future does look dark. I feel that the world economy has not even hit the bottom yet. As long as we can hope there is hope. I really believe that a new era is coming. Like The Phoenix we will rise from the ashes. Perhaps today’s trials will yield positive change. It has been said that any adversity that doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Think how powerful we will be.
David Segrest is a REALTOR in Charlotte NC. His website is His email is

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