Thursday, December 18, 2008

'Tis the Season

'Tis the Season
'Tis the season to not do business internationally. In the USA people are going to be working on the 25th. In many countries almost everything shuts down for the month of December. Most Latins celebrate 12 days of Christmas; but they have a getting ready and getting over period that extends until about January 6. Christmas is not the merchant’s bonanza elsewhere that it is here.
Outside of the USA, children and servants or employees receive a small gift from the parent or boss. The celebrations are the focus rather than the gifts. The celebrations are unbelievable. I had the wonderful experience of being in Brussels on St. Nicolas day. I just happened to be in the “Manikin Piss” square when the celebration started and the 4 societies of “Manikin Piss” competed to see who could do the most fantastic parade. This was like what I would imagine a medieval street carnival would be. I felt as if I had been transported to the middle ages.
Whatever religion or lack thereof you celebrate, I wish you much joy in this season and in the coming year.

David Segrest is a REALTOR in Charlotte NC. His website is His email is

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