Saturday, May 17, 2008

What I learned from my Bulgarian Students

What I Learned from my Bulgarian Students

I asked the same thing in Bulgaria that I asked in Korea. “What are 5 things you want the world to know about your country.” The Korean class president was supposed to send me an email with the summary. He didn’t. This time I did the writing myself. This question elicited a response that lasted about an hour. We boiled it down into four statements.

An ancient history going back to the time of the Thracians has resulted in a rich culture featuring unique foods, wines, folk music and dancing. (More about Bulgarian food at )

The high educational level, friendliness and harmonious co-habitation of different ethnic and religious groups makes Bulgaria an attractive place to live.

From the mountains to the sea we enjoy a nice climate, hot mineral springs, 4 seasons and many recreational opportunities.

Steady 6% GDP growth, low unemployment , relatively low wages, the 2nd lowest real estate prices and the highest growth rate in real estate prices in the EU make Bulgaria an ideal investment target.

I hope to furnish links soon that will tie you to Bulgarian brokers and information sites.

David Segrest is a REALTOR in Charlotte NC. His website is His email is

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