Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Time For a New Model (Part 3)

Time For a New Model (Part 3)
Not to say the old basics are no longer relevant. There seem to be new basics added, at least in the developed and developing world. The new basics are energy, transportation and entertainment. Energy and transportation are tightly interwoven and also affect the original basics to a high degree. This is what brings us back to the real estate.
Energy, transportation and food production all have a very high impact on the environment. Environmental issues are the monster under the bed that turned out to be real. There is already a green designation for real estate professionals. That is just a small precursor of what the new real estate markets will be like. How many luxury resort areas have neglected their environment to the point that soon no one will want to go there? What kind of changes will global warming make on 2nd home choices? What will be the new “hot” destinations? Will some of the coastal properties just go away?
Answer these questions and you have the beginnings of an outline for the new economic and real estate model. The hardest part of this will be choosing between what should be and what will be. How serious will the people of this world be about protecting our “mother”?
David Segrest is a REALTOR in Charlotte NC. His website is His email is

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