Thursday, January 15, 2009

Time For a New Model (Part 4)

Time For a New Model (Part 4)
The links between transportation and energy are pretty obvious. The links between housing and energy likewise. What about the links between entertainment and housing and transportation and energy? 2nd homes could become less attractive as transportation costs go up. Those homes that are close to dense population centers may be more attractive. The beaches and mountains of the southeastern USA are close to very large and growing population centers. Guess what? Their markets are competing well with more exotic destinations now.
Despite the economic downturn, sporting events and video games are still doing well. Macau and Las Vegas are suffering. Is there a connection here? I don’t know how to draw that connection; but if one looks at Las Vegas, one has to see a city that should not be there. The energy consumption is huge. The water comes from far away. Having been there in the summer, I can’t imagine what would happen if the power went out for a whole day. Surely these issues will be taken into account as environmentally conscious people make their home purchasing and vacation decisions.
As we move into an extremely cold winter, many people are beginning to doubt global warming. It is real. Will the ocean front condo (lot) become a ocean floor lot? You can still go hiking on a snowless ski slope; but who wants to do that when there are so many great hiking and climbing locales.David Segrest is a REALTOR in Charlotte NC. His website is His email is

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