Thursday, February 5, 2009

A Feeling in the Air

A Feeling in the Air
I don’t think the recession is even close to being over. I do think we are very close to the bottom. I am basing this on call volume on listings and rentals. People have been afraid. They have put things off as long as they can in many cases. There are many people who have the ability and the desire to buy. They have not had the confidence. The confidence does not seem to have changed that much. The need has.
There are things that are important. Other things are urgent. Important things can become urgent if they are ignored long enough. That could be what is happening now. The call volume is picking up. The transaction volume hasn’t budged yet. Hopefully one will follow the other. What is happening with your business?
There has not been much optimistic news; but at least the new administration is changing a lot of very negative things. They are making some mistakes as well. At least when Mr. Obaba screws up he admits it. Hopefully the age of “mistakes have been made” is over.

David Segrest is a REALTOR in Charlotte NC. His website is His email is

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