Tuesday, February 3, 2009

New Model Revisited

New Model Revisited
In an earlier series of articles we discussed what changes would take place in the international economy and the real estate industry. We did not really sum up what the new world will look like because we don’t know, nor did we talk about how to survive and prosper in this new world. In a class I taught Wednesday, one of the students was from a company that specializes in foreclosures. The have a department in the company that handles foreclosures for the bank. Other agents answer the phone and work for the buyers. This seems to be a successful model.
This model will probably work well for several years. If the agents who work the buyers maintain contact with these buyers, they will have their client base built for the future. I have to admit to having no taste for this type of business. I think I would rather work in a convenience store. The first rule of business planning is to do something you love. What I would really love is to do business the way I have for the last 20+ years and be successful at it. I know that won’t work.
Please help me in my search for a new model. What do you think the world of real estate will look like next year.

David Segrest is a REALTOR in Charlotte NC. His website is http://www.segrestrealty.com His email is david@segrestrealty.com

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