Tuesday, June 16, 2009



In an attempt to join the 21st century with a minimum of kicking and screaming and obsolescence, I have finally gotten onto Facebook, Linkedin and Plaxo. I still don’t know what I am doing; but I am realizing how many friends I have. It seemed that nothing would change the life of a real estate agent like the cell phone and the fax machine. Then came computerized MLS and email. Wow. Web pages replaced newspapers and now we have “social networking” to replace parties and conventions. I don’t think so.

Somehow a toast over the computer is just kind of dry. One cannot dance with a computer, at least not very satisfactorily. Walking the streets of a foreign city with a computer will never be the same as walking with Maire Rosol and Ed Wolfe. Struggling to communicate in a foreign language is no fun with “translate this page”. Perhaps these “social networking” facilities will let us stay closer to our friends; but I really hope they will not replace the face to face touching contact.

One big advantage of the “social networking” is that we can meet a lot of people quickly and get to know about them. I am already learning a lot about my friends and this opens a lot of new dimensions. For any REALTORS® in Charlotte, Friday June 19th there is a Tech day at the board. There will be sessions on “social networking” among other things all day long. A great opportunity for old dogs who are not too old to learn new tricks and young pups who want to keep up with the old dogs.

David Segrest is a REALTOR® in Charlotte NC. His website is http://www.segrestrealty.com His email is david@segrestrealty.com He is also a contributor on Argentina to: http://realestatebloginternational.com/

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