Wednesday, June 10, 2009



In an earlier article about the 1st time home buyers tax credit, one important provision of this plan was omitted. This is what is called a “refundable tax credit”. If the tax liability of the 1st time home buyer is less that the amount of the credit, the tax payer will receive a check for the amount of the difference. For example, if a qualified person buys a house costing $80,000 or more and only has a $6000 tax liability, that person will receive a $2000 tax rebate check.

The city of Buenos Aires is featured in the June issue of Smithsonian Magazine. This is an absolutely excellent article about the new immigrants who are making Buenos Aires home because of the excellent standard of living and because of the great exchange rate between the dollar/euro and the peso. Buenos Aires has always been a European City plunked down in the heart of South America. Now, it is becoming even more international.

This is one of the best times ever to take a CIPS class. Not only have the prices of the classes been reduced by most of the providers, under the “Right tools, right now program , the network dues will only be half of the regular price for next year. Also the airlines are offering a lot of special deals on airfare. Take the classes as far away from home as you can manage. You will build a network this way.

David Segrest is a REALTOR in Charlotte NC. His website is His email is He is also a contributor on Argentina to:

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