Friday, April 11, 2008

A Market Landmark in the Real Estate Industry

A Market Landmark in the Real Estate Industry

Today in Seoul, I taught the Americas. I think I have recognized a sea change in the real estate industry. This change has been noticeable in the emerging markets where the classes are offered. S. Korea is not an emerging market.

At least 1/3 and probably half of the students in this class are university students. They are not undergraduates. They are graduate students. They are the best and the brightest. Real estate is their 1st career. Most of us in this industry have come to real estate as a second (or third or fourth) career. We either fail at other things first or are successful enough that we can really do what we want.

I don’t know that this change in the industry will mean an opportunity for some type of investment. I do believe it will change our industry irrevocably. For one thing most of us who grew up in other industries made our worst mistakes there. We brought general business experience to our new endeavors. The flip side of that is that we brought our hardened attitudes and ideas. I have some ideas about what will happen next. Tomorrow, I will spend another day with my students and see what I can learn before I “expound my great wisdom and experience.”

David Segrest is a REALTOR in Charlotte NC. His website is His email is

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