Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Xenophobia, Visas and International Real Estate

Xenophobia, Visas and International Real Estate

One of the preparations for a trip to China is getting a visa. The process is aggravating. The cost is high $205 and I have to send my passport away. The visa is for single entry and is only good for 90 days. Do you think I would like to buy a vacation home in China?

As the holder of a US passport, there are very few countries that require a visa. But what about the way the US treats visitors from most of the world? The visa requirements and the treatment people receive at our borders and airports is a major deterrent to investment and tourism here. With the US dollar at ridiculously low levels and real estate prices dropping we could be a desirable target for vacation home buyers. An improvement in this market would help our real estate industry and our general economy.

As a private citizen and a real estate agent, what can I do? I can apologize; but I am pretty powerless to change things. I can recommend properties in Central and South America. As a matter of fact that is what I am doing. I don’t mean to be unpatriotic about this being the greatest country in the world and all that. I just don’t want my clients and friends to have to start their trip with a dose of Homeland Insecurity.

David Segrest is a REALTOR in Charlotte NC. His website is His email is

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